Monster Showcase: The Dalek Supreme


It's deathcry rallies out across the Universe. A thousand Drones at its command and the powerful ruling fist of species wide Alliance, the Supreme Dalek will be watching your every move during your adventure to save the Universe.

Meshed, animated and compiled into the project by Spyduck, we're proud to present, the Supreme Dalek...

Coming over the next few weeks, exclusive Demo Videos of ingame action, further teasers and other exciting developments.

Demeggy & the Team


Cwang92 said...

Excuse me but i'm gonna have to hire some sort of cleaning service... because... well.... you guys just blew my mind and its all over my room!!!!!1

Kris said...

You should see the Drones... mhm cough, spoilers...

We'll be releasing a lot of development videos over the next few weeks so prepare for a lot more exciting work.

Cwang92 said...

If I could I'd pitch a tent and stay glued to the blog... but I don't think I'd survive the harsh summers by my computer.. so i'm gonna have to stick with the routine

SavingSergeantLiam said...

This looks really...really...awesome...I bought New Vegas JUST for this mod, can't wait.

MegaUnoriginal said...

More please!

M12Sarge said...

Can't wait for the fun adventures on the mod!

xg42 said...

I think I just died :)

Anonymous said...

Davros would be quite pleased and Dalek Sec would be pissing his capsule if he saw this. Keep up the FANTASTIC work.

Zerograv said...

hehe my only gripe is that its the new dalek models (I loved the brass ones from RTD era)

But still they do look fantastic so good job and looking more forward to the release.

Richard said...

Excellent work!

Stevielfc said...

really looking forward to it i wonder what will come 1st this mod or Doctor Who Series 6 Part 2 ethier way the autumn is gunna be awesome :D

ShadowWolfX51 said...

nice work, looks like it would exterminate a few super mutants if I tricked it near some. Unfortunately I think the daleks are taking a breather from maybe the rest of this series or the one after from what iv'e heard because the doctor beats them time and time again, you always know the daleks are gonna come to take over in a big ship and the doc will send'em home in a tin can.

John Smith said...

When is the next preview going to be?

You guys keep saying "through the next weeks we'll be showing this and that" but then theres MONTHS inbetween any sortof preview :P

Just asking out of curiosity! Keep up the good work

Kris said...

Unfortunately due to busy schedules outside of the project, I dont get much time to focus on what we'll be publically releasing as we're a team of 3.
Don't worry though, stuff'll be announced as soon as its done.

John Smith said...

Ah, I understand, I wish you all good further endeavours :D