last night you were treated to a demo video of an early blocked console room. This evening, you're treated to the post 'Detailing' shots. Tonight was spent hammering spines into the walls and punching roundels of varying sizes according to numerous schematics I've found in the console room.

Next phase, fine detailing (railings and light fixtures), followed by texturing and finally lighting.
Then the next step. The console.
Bed calls,
Wow, I can see it all comic together, superb work! Appreciate the WIP Images, thank you.
In regards to the lighting, and perhaps it's just me, but it seems slightly different in the new trailers (both the UK and BBCA ones). The console room seems less " orangey" and the time rotor appears to be blue instead of green. As I said though, this might just be me seeing what I want to!
Hmm, that's supposed to be "I can see it all coming together", not "comic together". Stupid predictive text! :)
Just curious, but as it's the Smith console, will we still be able to run around the console hitting switches and pulling levers? I know that was listed when it was going to be your own design, but I'm just wondering if that's changed now it's the Eleven TARDIS?
Thanks, full console interactivity is still a major part of the project, wouldnt dream of not including it.
As for the lighting, we'll see, I may end up basing it off Series 5. Y'never know.
Will update tonight with more. Onto the Fine Detailing phase now.
More interactivity is something that there is going to be more of. :)
GOOO DEMEGGY :D every day the moment I return home from school its the first thing I do :) Firfox>> Pure amazement :D!
Brand new website is coming soon to go along with the new forum!
I realize that this is me being a bit picky but still I really hope that you noticed that the TARDIS Console isnt connected to the Power Octagon on the top in your version but it is in the show just thought I may want to shed a bit of ight on that issue. But otherwise Demeggy IT IS BRILLIANT I LOVE IT.
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