Look at you, you sexy thing...

Hi all. I'm currently writing this update from my folks 'puter as I knock back a tea and enjoy a couple of days break from the norm (back to business tonight though!). You've all been asking, and we've been working hard behind the scenes at Team FalloutWho, so let me reward you with the safe knowledge of what to expect. Matt Smith's TARDIS interior... is our choice of poison. Now it would be only fair to say it's not everyone's cup of tea, but we do have to be wary that there is to wide a choice for us to include everyone's favourite control rooms within the project. Initially, we were opting for a custom interior, something brand new and of our own design. But down to the volition of my sins, I've made the executive decision as project lead to bring Series 5's nautical brassic internal decor to the world of Fallout. As a treat, you'll be witness to the development cycle of the console, which will be put up over the next few days in the form of development posts, with plenty of info to boot. As for the return of the Coral Console room... I'm tightlipped. Kris


Anonymous said...

Wow! As a lover of the Matt Smith console room, I'm overjoyed at this news! Can't wait to see it develop! Has it been in the pipeline for long, or do you need to start designing it from scratch?

Kris said...

Unfortunately, it's a design from scratch thing. We were going for a custom design, which has been partially completed and implemented in game, but I had a gut feeling it'll alienate some of the newer viewers to the show as its elements are mainly comprised from the earlier series (Hartnells through McCoy's era).

Glad to hear your enthusiasm though, get onto the forum for more updates if you're not already!

cinnykitty said...

please dont drop the custom idea altogether D:

Matt said...

Don't worry, there are some things that if Demeggy doesn't get done, I will. But even if we leave some things out, the mod will be fantastic!

MegaUnoriginal said...

I may have gotten over my hate for 11, but i still don't like his TARDIS, why is there a pinball stick in it? its rubbish

John Smith said...

Wooh! Getting even more excited to play!