**Updated** New Look Site - Further Updates

2 Blog updates in one day,

aren't you lot lucky? This weekend aims to be a weekend of sheer productivity. With footage spilling out of our monitors here at the towers, we're powering full steam ahead.

We'll gradually be updating the media section with screenies and further videos soon, populating the downloads page with links ahoy to The Last Child of Gallifrey and finally, as a treat, a grand TARDIS Index File, full of interesting bits and pieces... teasers, spoilers and pointers...

Get yourselves over to the forums for more nfo, the Official Youtube channel for entertaining production footage and keep on watching.

The site will constantly evolve along with the project.


As you can all see, there's been updates right across the board and we've got the media now upto date with some brand new never before seen screenies. Also, to the right, the Twitter Feed's made a return, and below that, a quick-click portal to our Official Youtube Channel and the Official Fallout Who ProBoards (so get registered and get onboard!).

*Update 2*

Well, as you can see, the site is now complete. Everything in place, we're ready to roll. Get yourselves over to the TARDIS Index File for tidbits and info on everything in the Doctor's Universe, from the Type 40 herself to metal monstrosities and beyond featured in the mod. At current, get yourself upto date with the basics, but coming soon, the Monsters approach...



Mudo146 said...

I am LOVING this new website. De-Man! And the different tabs and sneak peak at the story and other features... Oh man! Now about the whole changing the TARDIS to fit your mood, is that talking about desktop themes or something we have yet to be informed of? Or is it something I was just too thick to notice?

xg42 said...

WOW demeggy (sorry if i'm making stupid spelling/ grammer errors its quiet late and i've had a long day) It's looking good and i can see from the top right weeping angels daleks and cybermen are been featured I can not wait !! Any ideas for a aproximate release date??

xg42 said...

I just realised it thinks its 16:11 haha im in england and its 12 past 12 on the evening I thought I may have sounded a tad stupid :P

Kris said...

Thanks guys, like I say, the site is in constant evolution atm, so expect plenty of gradual info as and when it happens.

I hope you're all enjoying Series 6 and looking forward to the conclusion to the opener tonight!

As for a release date, nothing set in stone yet, we are still a way off yet, as we're working hard to completely change the Mojave landscape (figuratively speaking).


Cwang92 said...

Just saw the pic of the 11th doctors sonic screwdriver in the media scetion, and its amazing!

Kris said...

Thanks :) Expect further updates as we move along.

xg42 said...

Just a question? Is regeneration going to be featured and also when the quest/ just finding the tardis occurs what will actually happen ? :P I understand if you haven't quiet got round to developing that yet or you just don't want to reveal it just yet because of spoilers :)

Cwang92 said...

I myself don't know if it will be included in the finished version but look at the media section at the video about the interior/ minigame ( the first vid Demeggy released for vegas) at the writng at the top left hand corner during 00:09.... im sure that will inform you : )

Kris said...

Well spotted cwang :) Yes, Regeneration will feature, and is much improved over the version seen in LCOG.

Storywise, an indepth plot timey wimey wise spanning from the Mojave to the fringes of the Universe will feature, so expect something quite epic.

Stevielfc said...

:) something Steven Moffat and Russel T Davies can be proud of brilliant work Kris

xg42 said...

Oh sorry guys I didn't notice that before and ive watched that so many times, I have focused on the tardis console instead of the corners and HUD and so on :P and excelent I can't wait

xg42 said...

Hehe very last question atm :) Are the cracks in time going to be featured and things such as the pandorica?

Kris said...

Well, the storyline from LCOG is incredibly prevalent to F:WV, so yes, the cracks will appear. The Universe is in a very fragile state what with the TARDIS zipping between the walls of reality, so expect plenty of impending doom side-missions.
After careful consideration, no, the Pandorica won't be featuring. AS you've gathered, StoneHenge will, but not as in the Stonehenge you know from the Doctor's Universe.
The key aspect to remember here is that the Fallout Universe the game takes place in and the Doctor's Universe are two seperate places.
I'll be putting up a post regarding the plot and an faq of sort's relating to queries on it.