Due to a massively coincidental and unfortunate technical failure, the source drives that hold Fallout Who Vegas unfortunately failed at the weekend. Not only did the source drives fail, but the external HDD which was in transition during moving, has gone missing.
Whilst the laptop holding the source project material undergoes diagnostics at a local Computer repair shop, I ask you all to cross every digit, pray to every god and generally wish really, really hard that the diagnostic comes back cheap enough for me to warrant a repair, otherwise... I wouldn't want to think of the alternatives...
This'll be the first Spyduck and Riker have heard of the issue, as I'm currently updating this from the office.
Shall update accordingly,
Oh no! That's terrible. I have every finger crossed...
donate all you can save he mod
Cheers guys. Still awaiting feedback from the Repair specialist. Worst comes to the worst, we can recover data from the HDD and stick it on the desktop.
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