Fallout Who Vegas Beta 1.0

After a successful full restore of data, work has commenced on the project, and it's been discussed and decided by ourselves that the best way to commence is by releasing an early Beta, so with that news in motion, expect an In-Development Fallout Who Vegas for a Christmas release.

This version should include the Eleventh interior control room, plus the 3 flight modes, Sonic Screwdriver and a 'grasp' of enemies to "do battle with" across the Wasteland.

We'll cover those in more detail nearer the time, but for now, there we have it.

Demeggy, Spyduck & Riker


Cwang92 said...

There is only one way i can express this revelation..... Fallout Who+ Christmas release= AWESOME!

Archer said...

Seconded - this is awesome, incredible news. I'm actually quite excited. I've not had a great week, but this has made it much better! :)