I vowed I'd never do this, but here goes.
I have always liked to think I treat the mod's followers with respect. I'm impartial, and understanding. I appreciate impatience and anticipation, and frustration.
But there times when it crosses a thin line.
This project is costing me my evenings.
When arseholes sit there, spamming my inbox with abuse as to a delayed release date for a free piece of work - my creativity, and physical manpower, I ask you to stop and think.
Don't give me crap excuses as to 'we're only frustrated' 'don't make promises you can't keep', because the sheer hard truth of this is, I owe nobody anything.
Im sat here, after little sleep, an entire day at my office job, and a further gruelling session at the keyboard to endure some of the most vile diatribe I've ever come across.
The maturity, the understanding of this is ridiculous. Im sat here, a man nearing his 30's, ranting like a teenage girl, when I could be working. I could be enjoying my work, but I don't. Not anymore. If I was paid for it, I could tolerate it, but I'm not, I can't and I won't.
There are many that support the project and the mod, many that have stuck around since The Last Child of Gallifrey, people I've come to regard as friends, and for that I thank you,
However to the rest, Think on what I'm saying here as you will.
I like to think the comment I made wasn't too bad compared too some but I would like to extend my apologies. We all can't wait for this mod and it's easy to forget that this is being done for free but we shouldn't devalue your hard work.
im with you kris.. you huge a***holes can either apologise and never do the same f****ng thing again, or go back to nursery. kris,....please PLEASE take a break.. leave it for now.
Don't let those idiots get to you. You are working on something that is not only like you said is free, but you are also giving your life right now for this mod. The people that don't appreciate it are just assholes.
TO STRESS - I don't want to turn this into a witch hunt.
Let's just leave it here.
Done and dusted. The mod will be ready and released, dedicated for those with the grace and patience that theyve always offered me.
Now, no more.
Played and loved the last child of gallifrey and been looking forward to this release, your doing an amazing job and release the mod when YOUR ready, its all your work what you so not get paid for, you have a life away from the mod and people should respect that, i for one, and i know others feel the same, are extremely grateful for you putting in the time to make this mod. Don't let these ungrateful people make you feel down, everybody else is just grateful your creating this mod, we are lucky to have someone like you willing to give their own time to work on something like this. Many thanks. A
thak god thats over.
*thank.... herp derp for me hahaha.. Kris.... you should make a donations page. :) you deserve donations :)
Thanks Daniel, a nice thought, but I cant accept any money for this :)
I'm guessing you've got all the help you need, but if there's anything I can possibly do to help, you've got my email.
Aww... I JUST got out my witch burning materials from the back shed... I probably should leave those out, because if a fire did start with the stuff inside the whole thing would go up. How did I not realize that before?..
You deserve your own T.A.R.D.I.S full of Jelly-Babies for this, Kris. You're totally awesome for doing this and I support you to the fullest. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you owe them this, because you don't. We are all so lucky to have you doing this for us. Thank you.
Cheers Nick, your article of Molyneux's cube gave me a chuckle by the way ;)...
Thanks guys. I feel a tad embarassed for such a juvenile outburst now :S
So people are aware where I am, Im adding finishing graphical touches to the ships interior for wave 1. I've got a few corrections to make to rule out bugs and having taken feedback from the closed beta guys, will add a few tutorial steps.
I thank you with all my heart for your hard work Kris, you are the best. Take all the time you need, even another year should it be so. I hate those haters so much right now... If there is anything I can do just tell me. :-)
kris, i've just began working on the new tardis intierior for this mod if you want it ill be about a week or so from finishing :)
I'm sorry it's come to this Kris, but thank you for sticking with us and I hope this doesn't put you off the idea of future Fallout Who projects (as selfish as that may seem coming from one of your avid fans :D) Keep up the good work man.
Demeggy, take your time with the mod, we want it PERFECT, not only for our sakes, but for you too. This is a showcase of your talents and skills as a Modder, at least this is what I think. So take your time, enjoy the making of this mod once more, though I ask you remove the 30-03-13, as that date has passed.
That is my only request of you other than to make sure you have the fun you deserve making this mod or else it won't be as fun for us to play it.
To those of you who are bitching at him to just release it already: go fuck yourselves, lets see you do what he's doing, he works hard not only on this mod but at a job. I hope you lot understand how hard it is just to make a model for an item in a game let alone doing basically a total conversion mod.
These things take time, and many don't even get done, let alone on a schedule, so calm your tits, you most likely haven't paid for him to work on this mod, I doubt he's made a cent on this mod donations or otherwise, so you have no room to complain.
TL;DR - Demeggy, take your time, have fun with it. People bitching: SIT DOWN SHUT UP AND LET THE MAN WORK! IT'LL BE DONE WHEN ITS DONE!
Actually I'd like to respectfully disagree, perfection isnt required as its a hell of a level to live up to.
Its going to be awesome regardless, the only thing we want kris is for you to enjoy what your doing and to be proud of what the end result is. We're happy to wait however long it takes as long as your satisfied mate.
Don't burn yourself out over this .
To our younger viewing audience out there.. We ask you to please either avert your eyes to the profanity used within the comments section, censor yourself with the beeping sound as seen on television, or just to not read out loud... Now we go live to a weather update from Diane..
Diane: Well Cwang, the truck on the interstate randomly blew up...more at 9.
hahaha cant stop laughing at that diane XD
haha! :D
Thank you Diane.... Stay tuned for the "explosive"details.
Hey Kris I love playing Fallout just for your Doctor Who mod and even New Vegas on Pc just to play this mod :L Keep up the great work and I cant wait to play Who Vegas :) Also if you do start to accept donations you'll see a very generous one from me ;)
Kris i respect you for saying this you've been spammed by all the d***s out there and you finaly had enough of it they forget you have a life. Have a nice night if you're not already asleep :)
KRIS! Your awesome C: Thanks for putting up with such jack arses and making us this. Keep on keeping on!
Kris I gotta say, you may think your outburst was juviniel *sorry for spelling I'm quite tired* but I'm surprised you didn't break sooner, these people don't deserve that mod, and hey the fallout who team are one of the best mod teams out there if not the best and you proved that in last child of gallifrey, as I said in previous posts *as xg42* you could easily charge for this and I would happily pay for it, if you need to then take a break, your loyal fans understand, as for those flaming you, don't waste a precious second of your time dealing with such derogatory imbeciles... I'm sick of seeing people slate you for this... I challenge them this, make a mod this size same complexity and release it in a month *then* and only then, can they criticize you're hard work... That is all, well done with your work Demeggy and co you guys deserve it.
Oliver I would like to just say this mod has been in development for 2(?) years now.
And? Point being? No one else has ever done anything like this before, if you think you could then go for it... I can mod, but I couldn't pull anything off like this and most people would have given up after 2 years but no, they stayed loyal to the fans
If anything its more impressive that they've managed to keep at it for 2 years.
I agree jolly
I'd also like to point out that that 2 year comment had no intent of being negative.
I apologize for the hostility then, from here on out I'm looking out for the team...
Kris, I loved the Fallout 3 Mod and have been following this blog ever since. I don't think I could respect you enough as I do now. Keep up the good work, in your own time of course, and I think if this mod is a good as you are hard working man, then I think we can wait a bit longer.
As for these abusers, I hope you remember to bear in mind that some of them will be immature, unemployed, addictive gamers with no consideration for the hard work developers and modders, such as yourself, actually do, I also don't think they understand that a paid job is a bit more important than a large mod done in your own good will.
Look forward to seeing your work, we got your back buddy.
Thanks all. Made some nice progress this evening. Agreed, will immediately replace the blog title.
Everyone should take a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PKomuwyJVE someone has went off and made this awesome title sequence i think you should put it in your mod Kris ;)
How Is The Mod progressing
actually, I don't think he can charge for it. Kris's mod is based off of copyrighted content, meaning that unless he got permission from the copyright holders, he cannot charge for the mod, for that would break fair use terms. This is also the reason you don't see mods like this on the nexus site. The nexus takes donations, so they cannot legally have copyrighted content on the site without permission.
You can technically get paid for it actually, just like you can pay people who makes 3D models, and does game level designs
- you pay them as thanks for the time they put into it, not the content they create :)
I would more than happily donate to Demeggy for the time he put into the mod
hhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy kris if you could give us a date for the mod ????????? just coz i am freaking out over the fact its almost done :)
@Anonymous yes he said that on the pro boards also are you a clone?
Its probably best if we don't get a specific release date or time.
also @ Oliver i think the point of the two year comment was you said "I challenge them this, make a mod this size same complexity and release it in a month *then* and only then, can they criticize you're hard work". if a mod this size has taken two people two years to make, is it feasible to challenge someone to make the equivalent in size with half the team and a 24th the time? I understand the impatience is bothering everyone, but that's what happens when things are late; people get annoyed, it's sad, and almost a little frightening, how fast people are lashing out and to the extent they are, but it's also understandable that they will be annoyance due to the lateness.
Thatguy, have you even read the blog post that you're commenting on?
You're just making it worse by asking for a release date when he clearly doesn't have one that he feels like he wants to share.
By constantly pestering him about it is what led to this blog post in the first case, I would hate to see it happen again
Seems fair, thanks anyways totally understandable, sorry for the transparent asses
Just been looking at some mods on nexus. Came on here and wow Kris well said, we respect you buddy. Make sure you don't over do it mate. I know i'm new to modding but if you need a hand let me know and me and my bro can take a look at helping if need be. Like you i'm in the UK. I don't know how close to London you are but if you have a modding company you work for I'd love to talk to your employers about a job. I thought it was worth a try as my contract ends in July and am looking to get back into computers. Anyways keep up the good work Kris and would be great to here from you buddy if you get a spare chance that is.
God bless man.
You know, if I could give you all of my moneys for this, Demeggy, I would give you all of my moneys. You deserve all of them for making this magic.
any one up for tf2 or something?
50!!!! again? :-). i wish new vegas had multiplayer
gutting that the biggest comment section had to end like that...
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