A Big thankyou...

To all who've downloaded and supported the mod, yet again. (You'll get sick of these appreciative posts sooner or later...)

I'm rpoud to announce that Fallout Who: The Last Child of Gallifrey has reached number 3 in the top 100 Fallout 3 Nexus files of the past two weeks.

57 Endorsements
A 'Hot File' front page accolade
and Number 3 in the Top 100 files.

I'm over the moon. Over joyous. Over everything, I really, really am.

I'm also incredibly overly happy that a brilliant Who website has featured my article (and too think I only stumbled across this as the link to a video they made of the mod was suggested on my YT account!).

You can check the article out here :)

And it's all down to you lot; the fans. Thanks a heap guys,

The final version of the Last Child of Gallifrey is going to blow your socks off.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am cam4334 and i was the one that voted you for file of the month and made you 3rd! your welcome