Temp Look Site

With progress recommencing on the project, quick chance to say this is a temp new look for the site.

I'm spending the day restructuring project folders and setting goals, and awaiting a chat with Spyduck, will be hammering away.



Zerograv said...

April 1st...new blog post...seems legit D=

Kris said...

Can assure it's no April Fools :)

Cwang92 said...

This is brilliant! Just looked at the site a couple hours ago and nothing changed, then BLAM! A smack to the face with a new look to the site. Best April Fools day gift ever lol

Jack said...

Awesomenessfullnessaness... basically, way cool lol. Appreciate the continued efforts. Way stoked!

Kris said...

note: this is only a temp look, I have someone professional working on a proper site

Cwang92 said...

Oh, that's cool. Professional? Now you've gone and gotten me excited. Quick question, just because its been gnawing at me since this temp look went up what is the monster to right of the Cyberman, and to the left of the Auton? Sorry, I just feel so stupid since its probably REALLY obvious.

Anonymous said...

Its a Silurian's head well at least that is what I think it looks like.

Kris said...

@ Cwang; indeed it's a Silurian, one of many monsters to feature in the mod.