Beta 1.03 update

Well this was a bit of whopps,

it wasn't supposed to go up, but there we go, things happen.

So Beta 1.03 is almost ready to roll out. We've had a few weeks of development hell, but we're ironing out the creases and feel we're almost contented with what's been achieved so far.

We hope you like your puzzles hot.



Cwang92 said...


Lawdee said...

Er... Better than no message?

Mr.Sheepish said...

Could I be a Beta Tester :D?

SavingSergeantLiam said...

About to turn Super Saiyan with suspense!

Buizel said...

Well... At least we know it's in production!

Unknown said...

been re updated.
WERE SOOOO CLOSE!!!! better get my new speakers delivered pronto!!!