We've had a lovely week of not working on the mod. It's been a nice little break really, and well deserved. It's always important to take time out to relax and do something different, and with Spyduck starting a new job and my career beginning to take a new path, this little interlude could not have come at a better time.
I'll keep this short, but to give you the heads up, today marks the last Prerelease test so you have an idea of how soon to expect the first release.
Spyduck and I had a brief meeting last week to discuss the next 2 waves, and we think releasing Regeneration before Monsters is the way to go, so once Wave One is done and updated marking any major bugs noticed by yourselves, we'll be focusing on getting the interesting new Playable Race pitch perfect and up and running.
So, there you have it, a minor update to keep you out of the dark.
Woohoo! Awesome work to everyone involved :)
The TARDIS looks amazing :D
O.O Tomorrow? :)
Did that "simplification" you were talking about take place?
PS wohooo
Wow guys wow im glad you both enjoyed your mini break and I hope your doing well in both your RL stuff too. Cant wait for this mod the team has worked mad hard on it. If you need a tester for wave 2 or 3 an im sure you don't as I know you have great testers as it is give me a shout!
That console looks absolutely fantastic and all animated too. Great work.
So we can expect a release in the coming weeks, that's fantastic! Let me mark everyday as a possibility of being busy! :P
While I'm not an advocate of endorsing a release date, I'd think it would be especially clever to use the airing of "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" as a backdrop for this mod... You know? Two TARDIS themed Doctor Who pieces of material in one Saturday would probably induce country wide nerd-comas...
I second that, seems like a fantastic idea. I could nerd-gasm about Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, then I could nerd-gasm overnight over the mod :3
Hey,hope you had a great break and that it was really relaxing :) Love the idea of moving regeneration before monsters :) But just wondering - the door release lever in the picture is red, but I think in the show it was black, was it a texture fail at the time the picture was taken or is it actually red in the mod? Sorry to be nit-picky just wondering :) (it's the beta side of me coming out :P)
@Twilson, in the adventure games I'm sure it's red there too, although I do seem to recall it being black in the show too.
Same about the computer screen thing being white while it should be brown, and the exterior being the 9/10th doctors instead of the elevenths.
Ummm.. You see the wibbly-wobbly... Timey-Wimey corridors of the vortex.. Matched with the winds of the Madusa Cascade.. Altered the time-space attributes of the interior and exterior to match the reversal of the polarity and neutron flow... Ergo, why the team had to make those changes. Boom. Psuedo-Scienced!
Even though it's not an EXACT copy it's still an "absolutely fantastic" work! :3
would you like a jelly baby?
keep in mind guys they have to make sure everything is working like the TARDIS, the sonic screw driver, the laser screwdriver, the quest, and getting it on media-fire or ad fly thank about the 24 or the 27
Actually anon, I reckon they'll upload it to the F:NV Nexus.
Uploading to the Nexus would be a retarded idea. To download files of 2MB or more you have to pay, and considering they don't want to be making money off their work, they probably don't want to give Nexus the money for their work either.
I'm sure to download more than 2MB you just have to have an account.
I have downloaded many files well over 2MB from the nexus and it is free, all it requires is you create an account and I assure you that is free.
You do NOT need to pay anything on the Nexus to download anything, they do advertize a Premium thing where you get "faster download speeds" though, but any kind of file of any size is 100% free
How long will the pre relase testing take?
Heh. There's an old saying. "The first 90% will take 90% of the time. The last 10% will take the *other* 90% of the time."
I'm just dying waiting for this.
I'm checking back every hour knowing that it won't be there. XD
I've been checking every minute hoping for something :P
Does anyone realize the nexus won't host it for them because copyrighted material?
Fallout Who was uploaded to the nexus so I don't see any reason for it not to be uploaded there. It will also probably be upped to ModDB.
It'll be up on the Nexus, having checked the copyrighting issues, it's fine
Does anyone know if we will see some new outfits in Wave 1? I know it was mentioned somewhere but I can't remember :L
I may be wrong but I think there in a later wave.
i hope we dont need any dlc because i havent got any of them
I was planning on making all the doctors costumes and any accessories eg space suit and the 10 doctors 3d goggles. wont be as good as anything that the Fallout Who Team can make but ill give it a go and upload for anyone that wants it :)
I remember Kris saying there is no DLC required
If you do upload any Doctor Who costumes then I'll download them for sure :)
Me 2
Maybe you could do a fez :D
That would be awesome :p
Guys Watch This Cool Tardis Interior Sound Effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SELYmp8iSPc
I wonder if we will ever see the 2013 TARDIS console room in Fallout Who Vegas
I would love to see the new console room implemented
It'd be cool if it's like the episode The Doctor's Wife where you can be in one console room, run down a hallway then appear in another console room :D
Heh, imagine setting something up in the 11th Doctor's console room, going off and doing whatever in the TARDIS, and having an alert sound. So you dash into the 10th Doctor's control room, flip a few switches, and get the TARDIS on its way while you go back to doing what you were doing before.
That sounds cool. Maybe even have House infect the TARDIS like
in the episode
How is the development going? Waiting patiently as usual. :3
may we take a moment of silence for the date of the Doctors death.....
4/23/13 at Lake Silencio Utah
Is it only me or is this place going REALLY inactive?
it has seen worse days
Lets try and beat 301 posts, lets set a commenter challenge.
i think the reason everyone is so quiet is because all of our eyes are glazed over and our mouths are wide open and drooling in front of our computer screens. i for one am too afraid to look away in fear that it will be released at the exact moment that i do. plus there is a weeping angel on my desktop...
Whatever you do do, DON'T BLINK! :3
That which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel
Then make sure not to do a lets play of the weeping angels...
Looking forward to the release guys, looks awesome so far, keep up the good work!
Soo... How's life Demeggy?
If you release it tomorrow, it will be the greatest birthday present I've gotten in a long time. Are you working on anything special for the 50th?
I think it would be an awesome tie in with "Journey To The Center Of The TARDIS". But of course, the earlier the better. :3
I wonder what happened to Demeggy, since it seems he don't read this chat anymore...
I'm here, I'm just tied up with work and life in general.
Glad to hear you Demeggy, thanks for the info. :-)
Could you give us any idea on the current state of the mod?
Happy to hear that:D
I was afraid you snaped or something.
Hopefully won't be too much longer to wait :D
He Snaped? He's gotten angsty and moody, wears lots of dark robes, and dyed his hair black? :D
9 fixes needed approx, working on it tomorrow
Cool to hear, let's hope no new glitches spring up as you fix these last ones then, that stuff is always annoying to see
fuck you dude, just release this fucking thing so we can play it already. you've done nothing but dick around this whole time... This mod was supposed to be released ages ago, but noooooo you just had to fuck around. fuck you and your mod. PEACE
Yeah Anon, you have fun raging, we have fun playing the mod, k?
Shut up!, his trying to make it better for us. If it had been released ages ago u'd still be complaining about it not being smooth or crashing all the time. He is wasting his own time to make the best it can be, So Shut Up and wait like the rest of us!
Tell you what Anon: make your own mod. Try and make it as good as this one. We'll see how long it takes you.
Anon, nice try but you did it wrong. heres a corrected version of your last comment.
*"fuck you dude, just release this fucking thing so we can play it already. you've done nothing but dick around this whole time... This mod was supposed to be released ages ago, but noooooo you just had to fuck around. fuck you and your mod. PEACE"
(whoops my bad)
*"fuck you dude, just release this fucking thing so we can play it already. you've done nothing but make a more complete and superior experience for us this whole time... This mod was supposed to be released ages ago, but noooooo you just had to make it to best you can, so the final product isnt a broken and incomplete mess (because gee, its not like game/mod development and refinement takes time or anything). fuck you and your free mod formed by love, blood and sweat. PEACE"
trolls are trollin'
Hey Guys I Opened A Support Ground For Fallout Who Go Here http://groupspaces.com/FallOutWho/
And Only People Who Support The Makers Of This Mod Please.
Dudes, Spyduck and Demeggy, I have followed you guys for along time, and often selfishly silent. Still, please o'please ignore those trolls that be a toll'in. The main thing most of all I hope is that you don't loose respect for those of us who have so enormously enjoyed your rather selfless work, even so far in fallout 3 if nothing else, or even just the sincere works you've done so far. It's always been consistently professional, polished, not mentioned free at the expense of time in your own life and the expense of having fun with you wife, or actual loved ones; rather than giving a gift to strangers you owe nothing too. I like Dr. Who not just because it's a good show that inspires me, but because it often displays the very secular morales I so aspire to even try to achieve in my life. You've helped me have fun with that "universe" that I have so enjoyed since a young American boy in idaho watching Dr. Who with my grandpa, and if nothing else, I appreciate it. Most of us I hope, and I do believe this, are not so ungratefully ignorant, nasty, and down right insulting to take the kindness you have showed the Dr. Community as to be worth nothing but further insulting demands. If you never wanted to touch this mod again because of these rather arrogant people I for one who understand, though of course I hope otherwise for selfish reasons, and understand how much value a strangers opinion can be worth. I don't care about release date, or even if you will release it at all. Just please, smile dudes, please lol. I'd rather get nothing than, no matter how awesome, than help contribute to the already misanthropic tendencies of the us humans. Here's song people, chill, and please smile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buqtdpuZxvk
Aaaah water off a ducks back now. One of the things you come to learn when you're making games, is that the majority of gamers are children, and as such, impatience and bad manners are in abundance.
So, in some quite unfrank manners, if you don't want to wait patiently for the mod like everyone else is, please... fuck right off (until it's released, then come crawling back to secretly enjoy it without admitting having done so).
Ta daaaa :)
Well Said Kris
Lol made my day, and very succinct and true as well Demeggy.
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