We made number one over at the Nexus, which is truly an honor :)
I'm glad to say every step of the process was worth it, and with more to come, I hope we retain our spot for as long as possible... so thanks once again!
Dev wise,
a few of you were expressing concern at the direction the Time Lord player race is taking recently, so I wanted to put all worries to bed with a very, very clear and brief rundown on the Class system process...
- 3 Classes; Good, Evil and Neutral (In addition to the standard Time Lord Physiology, each class grants specialist Abilities, whilst Neutral contains only Base Abilities)
- Each Class monitors and dishes out penalties accordingly if you do not act in the manner appropriate for that Path. Good Time Lords don't kill people. Bad Time Lord's don't do charitable deeds.
- Perform enough of a bad job at playing your Class profile, and you'll slide into either a Depression, or Insanity, each with their own debilitating perks. Continue to slump during these Moods, and you'll end up switching onto the opposing Class. Moods can be cured by specific methods within the confines of the TARDIS.
Just be wary that your actions in the Wasteland will shape your inner Time Lord.
Classes are literally the tip of the iceberg with this one.
You've got Time Lord Physiology, Travelling Companions, Psychic Abilities, you name it; Wave 2 is going add a whole new level of depth to your Fallout Who experience, I can assure you that.
I hope curing those moods will be hard.
I wanna be a depressed Time Lord. Like the Doctor... and stuff..
Actually, I wonder if the Doctor is a Good Time Lord or Neutral. He has done far too many dark deeds to be considered a champion of time.
You earned that spot on the nexus, and if you fall below before wave 2, I am sure it will knock you back up there when its released.
These updates are my favourite things ever.
Ha-ha, wasn't it kinda obvious that you'll be at the top in 5-7 days? That was for me. And with the second wave released... this is going to be so-o awesome~
This keeps getting better and better
Literally sounds amazing, loving wave one so much, been so hard to balance between my Degree work at uni and playing fallout!! haha but looking forward so much to this :)
Cheers all :) please don't fail your degree because of us, lol
I noticed something when you recall the TARDIS, the sound cuts off just a little too early. if you recall the tardis and pause the game for about 1 second (delaying the TARDIS materialization by 1 second) the sound fits perfectly. Just thought i would let you all know.
That's awesome. Plenty of people to get the word out in time, and to see that it's still very much active too. Looking forward to it!
I am still wondering. How will the actions of companions affect the class mood of the time lord player?
If you fellas decided to do the new TARDIS sometime..
Looks like wave 2 is shaping up to be the best mod yet! Love the mood idea and can't wait for some companion adventures (YAY! CLARA!)
On another note, I need a bit of help. In wave 1 I have slept several times, yet there is no TARDIS to be seen. Does anyone know why? If I can get some help, I would appreciate it,
To a sleepless Anonymous.
Make sure you have NVSE installed. Be sure the bed is a 'vanilla' bed and if you are running TTW, not a bed in the capital wasteland. And try sleeping for more than two hours. I noticed, for me, that it took sleeping atleast three hours for the script to kick in.
Great mod ....but....after my first flight, all movement inside the Tardis is in super slo motion. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Eh, I'm still sceptic because of the way I play, mostly making individual calls on how to approach a moral dilemma.
I would shoot and kill evil people, or people that I consider "evil", but at the same time I do a lot to better the world.
So I would consider myself more like chaotic good I guess.
Oh well, we will see.
I want to inform you about something i find a bit distracting as i am a bit OCD, when the TARDIS lands, in the corner the message is "Dematerialization complete" which is incorrect. The TARDIS 'Materializes' when it lands and 'Dematerialises' when it takes off. Just something i thought i would let you know :) I'm loving the mod though. Keep up the good work! :D
Will companions killing someone count as evil behavior. I personally like having Lily around :\ She does tend to kill things before I can blink.
So it does. That should kick in when taking off, what a daft bug, thanks for posting.
Companion actions will not affect your morality, so feel free to have Willow do your dirty work whilst retaining a clean and clear conscience.
Just to reiterate; you can engage with NPCs in combat, but at current build, only killing NPC's is deemed as immoral.
I'm going to die. The mod is amazing, but can we get a date for wave two? Not a specific date, but a general day/week/month?
Just a quick question, I have a tranquilliser pistol mod so am I right in thinking using that on enemies to sedate them wont have a negative affect on the Time Lord Karma?.
well demmgey is not posting anything looks like its back to the 3 or 2 weeks until new post..........................................................................................derp
Hey DW fans!
A quick thing to share. The Doctor Who season finale has been leaked due to the American BLU-RAY version of Series 7 "accidentally" coming out early. So if you don't want to be spoiled, don't... well don't use the internet I guess :)
After writing that I have thought off an idea, there should be DALEK apparel!
Oh, and it would be cool if the TARDIS can lock companions out... poor Clara.
Daleks, huh? After army super-ciber-man's poor Daleks looks like shit... Literaly. Super-ciber-man's can move like time is stopped, can live without their heads, shoot lasers of death from their eyes. And fire the rockets-of-doom at people. With 100% accuracy. Also immune to almost everything, and if they're not... well... They'll adapt. DFQ happened to them?!?!?!
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