Happy Beta 1.02 Eve (and trailer news)

Afternoon all,

I'm dying of a cold, so I'll keep this short. Happy Beta eve. The second Beta will be released to closed testers tomorrow pending Alpha go ahead this eve. There's been a lot of development this week, and to demonstrate the utmost beauty of the hard work Spyduck's been putting in (with copious amounts of sleep depravation), behold thy name is Silurian...

Silurian - Early Rendering

Over the weekend, keep your eyes peeled on here and our YT channel for an interesting tidbit...

Until then,

Demeggy, Spyduck and Riker


Jack said...

WOOT! Thank you gentlemen so very very much.

Griever28 said...

Looking great and that Silurian model looks quite awesome even for an early rendering
Keep up the awesome work lads

hope you feel well soon Kris :)

Cwang92 said...

Basically what Jack said. Times a million. Or a billion. Then double that and there you go.

M12Sarge said...

Its very pleasing to see lots of progress being made. Keep up the good work!

Tin Can said...

Oh maaan, I can't wait to run from a group of Daleks around the corridors of a Dalek ship that you have to blow up from the inside or something :)

Keep up the awesome work, perhaps the face masks the Silurians wear can be an equippable helmet sortof thing?

Kris said...

There were considerations to have the mask equippable, but in the end we decided not to have it be so.
That's not to say there aren't a few suprises in there...